These symptoms of early dementia


Названы признаки ранней деменции Long sleep does not cause disease.

Dementia, or senile dementia, it is important to recognize at early stages, in time to make the necessary arrangements.

Experts believe that person can help, if you notice early signs of the disease when obvious symptoms are not yet manifested itself.


People can’t remember events of the recent past, does not assimilate important information, forget about the meetings and the promises – all of this provides good reason reason to be wary and consult a doctor.

Disorientation in time and space

If you often Wake up in the morning and I don’t know where you are and what time it is, is to observe yourself. Perhaps you are just tired and you need a vacation. If the situation persists and you notice other warning signs, you should contact a doctor for advice.

Sleep problems

Code man unwittingly begins to sleep more than 9 hours, increased the likelihood that he will develop dementia. In this case, long sleep does not cause disease, but is a concomitant symptom.


The tendency of skin pokrasnenia, hypersensitivity, frequent appearance of pustules and sores may also indirectly indicate problems with the blood vessels of the brain.

Behavior change

The tendency to apathy, lack of interest in life and new knowledge or lessons, excessive sentimentality or, on the contrary, rudeness, changes can also be associated with the development of dementia.

Loss of sensation

Another disturbing symptom is the loss of sensation. Suffering from Alzheimer’s less feel the pain not so sharply reacts to heat and cold.

All these symptoms indicate possible development of dementia. It is best to consult a doctor for consultation and pass all necessary tests to confirm or exclude the diagnosis and to receive timely treatment.

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