Things 3 reviews: How iOS and Mac application organized all my life


  things 3
Dave Smith / Business Insider

Thousands of disparate thoughts cross our heads every minute of the day.

"I need to do the laundry this week."

"I have a big project ahead, I should spend some time on it."

"I should make tacos for dinner tonight."

"Oh, I forgot to call my mom yesterday."

There are many applications to categorize your different tasks, but there are not many applications that can help you categorize your entire life: including your tasks, but also your thoughts, ideas , projects and areas of your life, such as work, friends and family.

Things 3, from Cultured Code, a German-based start-up, is an award-winning Apple Design 2017 App to organize your life both simple and robust. It only works on Apple devices right now (sorry for Android and PC users), but if you have at least one product made by Apple, this is probably worth your attention.

Thanks to Cultured Code, who provided me with review codes to try things 3 on my Apple devices, I can confidently say that Things 3 is a remarkable organization tool. It's great to note quick thoughts, but it's really better to tackle more complex projects – like vacation planning, learning a new language, and most importantly prioritizing of your different work tasks.

I spent a few months to import all my life into Things 3 – here is what it is that to use the application, and why you should consider the l & # 39; buy:

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