Treating early signs of diabetes risk can stave off the disease


(Reuters Health) – People who have been diagnosed with high blood sugar and other early warning signs of diabetes.

The study team studied over 422 adults in southern California with a high blood pressure and an intermediate or high risk for diabetes based on insulin. All of the patients were told to make changes in their diet and exercise habits; 141 people were asked to take two types of diabetes drugs, and 81 patients were asked to take three types of diabetes drugs.

After an average follow-up period of almost three years, the rate of transition to full diabetes was 4.1 percent among people who received only lifestyle therapy, and 1.7 percent in patients on two diabetes drugs, the study found. None of the patients on three diabetes drugs developed diabetes.

"Our study demonstrates that a personalized and advanced prevention approach to diabetes can be extremely effective in preventing diabetes," said Dr. John Armato of the Providence's Little Company of Mary Cardiometabolic Center in Torrance, California .

"It is always recommended that patients reduce the risk of alcohol intake, and that it is always effective," said Armato said by email.

The study also suggests that some patients may want to consider the use of medications in addition to lifestyle changes, Armato added.

About one in three U.S. adults have been raised even though they are not high enough to warrant a diabetes diagnosis, researchers note in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. Roughly one in three of these people will progress to full-blown diabetes within five to seven years, they write.

Glucose levels, glucose levels, glucose levels, and glucose levels are known to increase glucose levels in patients with high blood glucose levels. for energy, and how well insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are functioning.

All of the patients in the study who have been prescribed metformin, have a history of diabetes mellitus, and an additional diabetes pill, pioglitazone.

People taking three medications have been given more information on the use of drugs and other medicines, including exenatide and liraglutide.

Patients who took metformin and pioglitazone were 71 percent less likely to develop diabetes, the study found.

Patients who were either exenatide or liraglutide were 92 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those who received lifestyle therapy.

One limitation of the study is that they were given to the treatment of this medicine because they refused to take medications, so the treatment groups were not random, which might influence the results, the authors note.

It is also possible that they have developed diabetes, they add.

Dr. Robert Rhyder of Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust City Hospital in the United Kingdom.

But not all patients, to achieve optimal blood sugar levels, Rhyder sureties.

"Many would have considered intervention with three pharmaceutical agents, one of which is injectable, to be excessive in this population," Rhyder writes. "However, the complications of type 2 diabetes can be devastating and anything that can be done to prevent diabetes and its complications is worthy of consideration."

SOURCE: and The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, online September 14, 2018.

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