Trump closes a campaign built on fear, anger and division


But Trump's supporters encouraged him by embracing a leader who, they say, would finally attack the padded elites and protect the country from strangers. The president's advisers said his opponents took his campaign-gathering language too literally; as outrageous as it sounds, it's more entertainment, intended to generate a reaction from the crowd.

"The challenge for Republicans in the mid-term elections when you control everything is that many of your constituents are complacent," said Marc Short, former White House legislative director under Trump. "Trump has the challenge of knowing how to bring in my people who may not like Republicans in Congress. There is evidence that he is making progress in this area. "

The reporters on Monday asked if his style of leadership was influenced as much as anything else. The president replied, "I do not think so, but I mean I'm ready to accept that."

He made no effort to stand out from the harshness of his campaign, including an advertisement deemed racist and ultimately rejected by several networks, including his favorite, Fox News, as too shocking to air. "A lot of things are offensive," said Trump. "Your questions are often hurtful."

In an interview published later in the day, however, Trump expressed some regret for the mandate of his two-year term. "I would like to have a much softer tone," he told Sinclair Broadcasting, attributing his untouchable style to his desire to get things done.

He suggested that he could change after mid-term. "I would love to hear a lot and I think that after the elections, a lot of things can happen," he said. "But now they are in their fashion and we are in our mode. And you know, if you're criticized, you have to fight back, or you should. "

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