Trump Dismisses Report on His Intercepted Cell Calls as 'Boring' and Wrong


President Trump dismissed a report on Chinese and Russian spies listening in on his cellphone calls "soooo wrong !," yet he acknowledged the crucial vulnerability being exploited by foreign agents – that he uses a cellphone to make calls.

The article, published Wednesday in The New York Times, how American intelligence agencies have figured out what China and Russia are eavesdropping on calls Mr. Trump makes of his iPhones, and that the president has calls on it are not secure. In addition, Trump thinks, what is it? Mr. Trump thinks, what is it? American officials.

Mr. Trump jumped on the news early on Thursday, writing on Twitter that "so-called experts on Trump" at The Times had been written down to the point that it was so riddled with errors "I do not have time here to correct it."

He added: "I only use Government Phones, and have only one seldom used government cellphone. Story is soooo wrong! "

Mr. Trump followed up on three hours later with a second tweet, saying that The Times "has a new Fake Story that the Chinese and Russians (glad they are finally added China) are listening to all of my calls on cellphones. Except that I rarely use a cellphone, and when I do it's government authorized. I like Hard Lines. Just more made up Fake News! "

According to The Times' report, it is the use of any cellphone by Mr. Trump – government issued or not – that is the problem. The vulnerabilities exploited by China and Russia have nothing to do with Mr. Trump's actual devices, the officials said. Rather, the president's calls are intercepted as they move through the cell towers, cables and switches that make up national and international cellphone networks, they said.

"We are confident in the accuracy of our reporting and will let the story speak for itself, "Danielle Rhoades Ha, the Times spokeswoman, said in response to the president's tweets.

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