Trump Welcomes "Great Progress" After North Korea Avoids Repatriation of War Talks | News from the world


Donald Trump issued a letter that he received from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un touting "great strides" in negotiations between the United States and Pyongyang – despite the reports of the United States. a break in the talks.

President Kim of North Korea. Great progress has been made, "said the president in a tweet that included both a copy of Kim's letter, dated July 6, and his translation

Donald J. Trump
(@ realDonaldTrump)

President Kim of North Korea Great Progress Made!

July 12, 2018

Trump's comments came a few hours after North American officials The Korean officials did not show up at a meeting with their US counterparts on Thursday to discuss the repatriation of the remains of US soldiers killed in the Korean War.The representatives of the two countries were about to meet in Panmunjom, considered the village of the truce on the inter-Korean border.

The Trump Administration praised the agreement to return the remains of the US military commitments made at the President's historic summit with Kim June 12.

As the reason for the North Korean delegation's resignation, this apparent reluctance reinforced skepticism about Pyongyang's willingness to commit to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. .

In Trump's letter on Thursday, Kim repeatedly called on US President "Your Excellency".

"I firmly believe that the strong will, the sincere efforts and the unique approach of myself and Your Excellency the President aimed at opening a new future between the DPRK and the United States will certainly lead to ", wrote the North Korean leader.

Trump attempted to make Kim's summit a major victory, although reports suggested that North Korea is pursuing its nuclear program and that promises of "denuclearization" remain vague

. Las Vegas that North Korea had "already fired, or are sending back" the remains of 200 US or allied military following its summit with Kim.

The US military also announced that 100 wooden coffins had been sent to Panmunjom to receive the remains, although repatriation has not yet occurred. About 5,300 American soldiers alleged to have been killed in the Korean War are missing.

After the North Korean defection on Thursday, the US State Department said the two delegations had agreed to meet on July 15th. ] In another apparent setback, the United States accused Pyongyang of violating the sanctions on refined petroleum products and ordered the UN Security Council to immediately halt all shipments related to North Korea.

UN sanctions imposed in December put a cap on refined petroleum exports to North Korea at 500,000 barrels a year. A confidential US report presented to the UN Security Council, however, estimated the delivery of at least 759,793 barrels of petroleum products to North Korea between January 1 and May 30.

Doubts about the prospect of a breakthrough have been further exacerbated. The one-night visit of state secretary Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang last week, during which a promised meeting with Kim failed to materialize. Although Pompeo insisted on continued progress, North Korea accused the United States of making "gangster-like" demands

Pompeo dismissed the criticism, saying that North Koreans "were not pushing back" the discussions on Pyongyang. abandon and dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

"The road ahead will be difficult and difficult, and we know that critics will try to minimize the work we have done," he said

. Jae-in, also downplayed the antics of North Koreans, saying it was part of Pyongyang's "strategy" to obtain more concessions from the United States.

"No one can be optimistic about the results," Moon said in Singapore Thursday, "but my cautious perspective is that negotiations can succeed if the North carries out a complete denuclearization and the international community pulls together to ensure security in the North. "

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