Two years after his victory, Duterte refuses to implement the Hague decision


The Philippines marks the second anniversary of their victory against China over the South China Sea, again with "inexplicable reluctance" to apply that decision

Published 09:07, 12 July 2018

30 AM, 12 July 2018

  EFFORTS GASPILLÉS? It is the Philippine team that went to The Hague, the Netherlands, to defend the merits of the Philippine case against China in November 2015. Photo published with the Kind permission of PCA

EFFORTS GASPILLÉS? This is the Philippine team that went to The Hague in the Netherlands to defend the merits of the Philippine case against China in November 2015. Photo: PCA

MANILA, Philippines – Two years after the Philippines' victory over China in The Hague, President Rodrigo Duterte refuses to avail himself of this historic decision, leaving the superpowers to impose it by naval activities while ordinary Filipinos maintain the fire.

It has come to a point where the United States, Australia, and Japan have had to issue a statement reminding the Philippines to comply with the very decision that they have won. "Imagine the pain of having to read this kind of statement," says former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay

For Acting Chief Justice Antonio Carpio, the Duterte Administration's reluctance to enforce the Hague decision is "inexplicable". He also questioned how the Philippines "amicably decided to bind itself at all costs to the state that seizes" its waters.

This is the backdrop of the Philippines on Thursday, July 12th. invalidated China's expansive claim to the South China Sea.

Part of these waters – called the Philippine Sea of ​​the West – belongs to the Philippines, but Foreign Minister Alan Peter Cayetano insists that the Philippine Sea remains contested.

The Duterte administration refuses to enforce the decision in exchange for economic benefits of Beijing, even as the Chinese continue to take the Filipino fishermen, destroy the corals and clams and claim to allow Filipinos to fish. "The president has refused to take immediate action to enforce a sentence that, by any criterion imaginable, is immensely in the national interest of the Philippines," Carpio said at the Kasarinlan foreign policy forum. Monday. , July 9th.

Carpio added, however, that despite Duterte's refusal to execute the decision, "an essential part of the reward is being executed by the world's naval powers."

This is the case whenever the navies of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada, India, and Japan sails on the high seas and in the exclusive economic zones of the South China Sea to claim freedom of navigation.

This is also the case whenever the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and Japan air forces fly over the high seas and the EEZ of the China Sea southern to affirm the freedom of overflight, says Carpio. WEST PHILIPPINE SEA. The President of the Supreme Court, Antonio Carpio, speaks at the Foreign Policy Forum "Kasarinlan" on July 9, 2018 in Intramuros, Manila. Photo by Angie de Silva / Rappler ” data-parentid=””/>

WEST PHILIPPINE SEA. The President of the Supreme Court, Antonio Carpio, speaks at the Foreign Policy Forum "Kasarinlan" on July 9, 2018 in Intramuros, Manila. Photo: Angie de Silva / Rappler

"Fortunately for Filipinos, the world's naval powers clearly apply a vital part of the price, even if there is an inexplicable reluctance on the part of the Duterte administration to apply the price. Carpio said: "The heavy load and the enforcement of the price are ensured by the naval powers of the world, virtually without any support from the Philippines, the state that has massively won the award and the state that will benefit immensely from the execution of the sentence, "he said.

He added:" The Philippines has decided, incomprehensibly, to bind itself at all costs to the State seizing the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. "

" civic duty "to preserve power [19456016]

Carpio then refuted common arguments against the application of the Hague decision.

Carpio, for his part, said that the execution of the sentence did not entail war with China, unlike Duterte. "I have listed many times times these peaceful actions: war is not an option and has never been an opt ion, "he said.

He also refuted the statement that the dispute over the South China Sea" is a geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States, and the Philippines should stay clear of the struggle between these two hegemon. "

this view is totally blind to China's blatant physical seizure of maritime areas and Philippine territory in the western Philippine Sea "said Mr. Carpio.

Carpio ends up challenging Filipinos.

"Since the Duterte administration has chosen to put aside the enforcement of the sentence, the task of maintaining the price in our country has fallen on people like you." It is now our having to inform the Filipino people about why the prize is extremely beneficial to our national interest, and why every Filipino has a civic duty to preserve and protect the price so that the next administration can impose the price ", he said.

The fisheries "in danger of collapse"

Carpio was joined by other experts when he made these remarks to "Kasarinlan: A Filipino Forum of Foreign Policy" in Intramuros, Manila

Another speaker of the forum, maritime law expert Jay Batongbacal, gave the alarm on the fisheries from the West Philippine Sea.

"The fisheries of the western Philippines and all of the South China Sea are likely to collapse by the end of the decade," Batongbacal said. .

He cited statistical data showing that fish production in the South China Sea "is already at a plateau". Elsewhere in the world, he said, when fish production peaks, "it is usually followed by a sudden collapse."

  FORUM KASARINLAN. Senator Risa Hontiveros, Acting Chief Judge Antonio Carpio, Maritime Law Expert Jay Batongbacal, former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay, former party representative Akbayan Barry Gutierrez and l & # 39; military historian Jose Custodio (from left to right) speak at the Foreign Policy Forum & # 39; Kasarinlan & # 39; July 9, 2018. Photo of Angie de Silva / Rappler

FORUM & # 39; KASARINLAN & # 39; Senator Risa Hontiveros, Acting Chief Judge Antonio Carpio, Maritime Law Expert Jay Batongbacal, former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay, former party representative Akbayan Barry Gutierrez and l & # 39; military historian Jose Custodio (from left to right) speak at the Foreign Policy Forum & # 39; Kasarinlan & # 39; July 9, 2018. Photo by Angie de Silva / Rappler

Referring sarcastically to China as the Philippines' best friend, Batongbacal added, "This is exacerbated by the fact that besides fish, our best friend also likes to take corals. Batongbacal said the Philippines should then "try to change their passive observer policy" to become an "active protector" of fish habitats and fish stocks in the western Philippines Sea. [19659006] The "biggest victim" of China in war

In his own speech at the Kasarinlan forum, former Solicitor General Florin Hilbay cited the economy to challenge the Assertion that China is willing to On the South China Sea

"Are we really vulnerable, and is it really easy for China to go to war?" Hilbay says, "I do not think not that there is someone in the region who is interested in the war. "

" That's $ 5 trillion in trade, and if China decides to go to war will be the biggest victim. His economy will be the biggest casualty of this war, "he added.

" And so no one is interested in waging war, and the administration should not be afraid of it. " 39, a ghost. He went on to point out that the Philippines "held the key to a rules-based coalition".

  EX-SOLICITOR Attorney Florin Hilbay speaks at the Foreign Policy Forum "Kasarinlan" on July 9, 2018. Photo by Angie de Silva / Rappler

EX-SOLICITOR GENERAL LAWYER GUINEAN Hilbay speaks at the Foreign Policy Forum "Kasarinlan" on July 9, 2018. Photo Angie de Silva / Rappler

"We were the ones who won – the title of the case is" Philippines vs. China " . One of the most regrettable and depressing incidents was a statement by the United States, Japan and Australia urging the Philippines to respect the Philippines' decision against China, "said Mr. Hilbay

. "

" We must invoke "the Philippines against China" not only for our own interests, but for others to be able to invoke it, "said L & # 39; Former solicitor general –

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