Ulyana Suprun told Ukrainians how to fill salads


  lyльяна Супрун рассказала украинцам, как правильно заправлять салаты »title = Ulyana Suprun continues to provide useful advice on health.

Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Recalling the opinion of doctor Prokopik Daria (Daria Prokopyk), called the most useful vinaigrette for the popular summer salad, the chief the Department of Health wrote on its official Facebook page, reports the Chronique.Info with reference on the Today.Lifestyle website.

"Orange and red vegetables (tomatoes, carrots) contain orange-red pigments – carotenoids and lycopene.It is a provitamin A. In the body of it makes the active form We are able to store vitamin A for 3-5 months in advance.These vegetables to digest, you should eat them with fats (eg sunflower oil or olive) .It is effective and safe, "said a science blogger

We will remember, earlier Chronicle.Info wrote on the fact that Ulyana Suprun demystified popular myths about back pain.

  Ульяна Супрун рассказала украинцам , как правильно заправлять салаты »title =

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