UPDATE 1-Credit Suisse country $ 77 mln to settle U.S. probes into China hiring


(1965) Credit Suisse Group AG agreed to pay $ 77 million to settle jobs to friends and family of Chinese government officials.

The Swiss bank agreed to a $ 47.03 million criminal case for a non-prosecution agreement under a settlement with the US Department of Justice on Thursday.

Credit Suisse will also pay $ 29.82 million to settle claims by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

U.S. Credit Suisse of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, an anti-bribery law, by hiring and promoting people linked to government officials between 2007 and 2013 in an effort to win business.

The authorities said that the people of the world are often poorly prepared, and that the quid pro quo arrangements bypassed Credit Suisse's normal hiring process.

Credit Suisse said it was pleased to settle, and has upgraded its internal compliance procedures and controls.

The Ministry of Justice last month. (Reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York by Chizu Nomiyama and Jonathan Oatis)

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