Vaccinations credited with eliminating rubella


Health Minister Greg Hunt says Rubella has officially been eliminated in Australia.

The World Health Organization confirmed late on Wednesday that the viral infection, also known as German measles, no longer exists in Australia.

Rubella is a contagious disease where symptoms, including fever, rash and swollen lymph acorns, are mild. But its consequences can be severe.

When it comes to miscarriages, stillbirth or life-long problems for their babies, including: deafness, vision problems, inflammation of the brain, heart defects, liver disease, bone disease and growth retardation.

Rubella is caused by a different virus than measles, and is neither as infectious nor usually as severe as measles. There have been several outbreaks of the past year, with those incidences linked to overseas visitors.

Mr Hunt said rubella's elimination in Australia feels a powerful message about the effectiveness of vaccinations.

"The science is in the medical experts' advice is absolute – vaccinations save lives and protect lives and they are an essential part of a healthy society," he said.

Professor Elizabeth Elliott from the University of Sydney told Fairfax Media that it was early in the day.

"Some of these children had microcephaly or small brain, so they were developmentally delayed … really confining that to a life where they had significant disability," she said.

"They were children whose mother might have had a pregnancy or pregnancy, which was quite quite trivial."

Australia's national immunization program, which provides government-funded jabs, provides free rubella vaccinations for children aged 12 months, with a booster at 18 months.

Official figures released last week showed more than five years ago.

"I commend the efforts of Australia's health professionals over the decades and parents who are always vaccinated," Mr Hunt said.

Australia also has a surveillance system in place to detect and respond to rubella cases, Mr Hunt said.

The United States has had rubella epidemics, with the most cases officially reported in 1958 (more than 5000 cases), 1963-64 (at least 3000 cases) and in the early 1990s (more than 4000 cases).

The WHO said just eight cases of rubella had been reported in Australia so far this year. They were considered most likely to be the result of people bringing in the illness from overseas.

The WHO also confirmed on Wednesday that the country has had its measles elimination status, which was verified in 2014.

-with AAP

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