If you are reading this with a tie around your neck, then you may look like the boss you are, detach it immediately. This is the opinion of scientists from the Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital in Germany, who have made a disturbing finding regarding your office necklaces.
According to the study, wearing a tie restricts blood flow to the brain. To reach their conclusion, the scientists studied the blood flow of the cerebral and jugular veins with the help of MRI on 30 volunteers. The subjects were separated into two groups, one wearing ties and the other with free neck.
In their findings, the team explained that blood flow to the brain was limited to 7.1%, while blood flow in the jugular was unchanged.
"The review resulted in a statistically significant decrease in CBF (cerebral blood flow) after tightening the tie while venous flow did not show significant changes," the findings indicate.
the tie industry, with an earlier study of 2003 linking links to glaucoma formation. "Men who wear tight ties and thick-necked men should be aware that they can cause long-term damage to their optic nerves," said Robert Ritch, an eye specialist behind the study. , speaking to New Scientist. Compression of blood flow apparently causes a build-up of blood behind the eye, which increases blood pressure.
"This external cause of elevated intraocular pressure could contribute to worsening the damage caused by glaucoma," he says. In your everyday wardrobe, it may be time to explore some open collar options, or at least take them off to your desk. Better to play it safe and undo this top button too.
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