What is it like to be a school therapist


Public schools across the United States are struggling to manage students' mental health – and the problem is getting worse.

One in five children between the ages of 3 and 17 are showing signs of a mental health disorder ] according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The non-profit organization Mental Health America has noted a 3% increase in cases of children suffering from severe depression over the past five years. According to a new study, the number of children hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts has increased over the past decade.

Early identification and care are essential. professionals available for students – but these workers are overwhelmed and budgets are tight, especially in rural areas which means that many children are left behind. And families do not always have adequate insurance cover for treatment. Meanwhile, 63% of children with major depression reported not receiving care, according to Mental Health America which exposed them to lifelong learning problems and to social problems.

Samantha Boatwright, a licensed clinical social worker who works with children in public schools, knows these challenges first-hand. It offers advice to students in Georgia – ranked among the most disadvantaged states for access to mental health care – through the Georgia Apex Program (GAP) funded by l & # 39; State. Launched in 2015, the program is partnering with local mental health organizations to bring services like Boatwright to more than 300 schools across the state. It has reached thousands of children who have said they have never received mental health services before.

  Boatright sits in her office in the Board of Education building in Thomasville.

Dustin Chambers for HuffPost

Boatright sits in her office in the Board of Education building in Thomasville.

The program focuses primarily on schools in underserved areas. Boatwright itself is based in the rural southwestern part of the state. " Income is definitely an obstacle to obtaining mental health treatments in our area," the 29-year-old therapist said. "We work with many low-income families."

HuffPost told Boatwright how she hopes to help families understand child mental illness and why working with children on their mental health is crucial to Development.

This interview was edited and condensed for clarity

Tell me about your work with GAP

I am a GAP therapist and supervisor, working with children from 4 to 18 years of age or up to 19 years old. upon graduation. High School. Most of my work has been with younger children, mostly those from kindergarten to college.

We take most of our references for students in need of guidance counselors or teachers. We begin by providing a Behavioral Health Assessment that gives us a complete overview of what is happening so that we can provide mental health services that meet the needs of the student. My work helps students get through anything from divorce to depression and anxiety. Some students even came with suicidal thoughts.

How can something like GAP help these kids? What would happen if a child did not get the help he needed?

It is important to reach children with early mental health problems. Early intervention is important and teaches children how to manage and manage emotions during a stressful time. Depending on the problems they have, their mental health can potentially worsen or stressful situations can aggravate a problem already present.

  Boatright shows the art that is given to her by children with whom she works.

Dustin Chambers for HuffPost

Boatright displays the art that is given to her by the children with whom she works.

What is it for you to offer these services to children in an area where they are not readily available?

It's rewarding, fulfilling, and challenging at the same time. It is rewarding to see the difference in services for these children during the most difficult times of their lives. Watching these kids grow up and start coping with the stressors in their life is fulfilling. It feels good to know and see that I make a difference.

We are able to provide services to children who otherwise would not be able to receive them whether for financial reasons, lack of transportation or simply unavailability. Some private providers in our area have waiting lists that are several months old.

Have stressful situations such as reports of gun violence played a role in the mental health of the children you work with?

The reports that are in the news frighten children. If their parents watch television and the child sees it, it seems to worry them. I asked the kids to ask questions about it and about safety. Some children have asked what to do when they feel unsafe.

When working with children, what challenges did you face?

Sometimes, as part of our program, we may have trouble getting parents involved. It is not impossible, and not all parents, but if we could increase parental involvement, it would help the children. Parents must also learn to cope with a child's mental health issues.

Children with mental health problems need support outside of school. When children leave school, they need someone to remind them how to use the coping skills and help them understand what they are feeling.

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Caravan outside the entrance of the Board of Education building where she works in Thomasville.

In your opinion, what is important for parents or others to know about children's mental health struggles?

No matter the age of your child, you can ask for help. The more we talk about children's mental health issues, the more open they are, the more standardized they are. It's good for other parents to know that it's not just their child going through this.

For parents who read without having a program like GAP, where should they turn and what should they do if they care about their child's mental well-being?

Look for a mental health agency, such as a psychiatrist or therapist in your community. Make sure you explain what's going on with your child. In extreme cases, for example, if a child runs the risk of hurting themselves or others or if a mental health situation becomes uncontrollable with rapid mood swings, agitation. , hallucinations or drug addiction, parents are more afraid to defuse the situation, parents may consider going to the emergency room for their child.

If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National [19659056] Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also send a text message HOME to 741-741 for free, to 24-hour assistance from the crisis text line. Outside the United States, please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.

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