What is the main reason for the long life expectancy – 24 Channel


О є основною причиною високої тривалості життя - 24 Канал

Until recently, it was believed that the basic parameters of life expectancy were body mass and metabolic rate. And scientists have denied the allegation.

As scientists at Vanderbilt University in the United States said, the number of neurons in the cerebral cortex of the brain determines the average life expectancy of animals and people, MedicalXpress said in A press release.

However, these indicators only work in 20 to 30% of cases and birds live about 10 times longer than mammals of the same size. According to scientists, the number of cortical neurons can accurately predict life expectancy in 75% of cases.


Scientists analyzed data from more than 700 species of warm-blooded animals and compared them to data on the number of neurons in the brain.

It has turned out that parrots and songbirds live longer than primates with the same weight. And primates live longer than other mammals with the same weight. In addition, birds need more time to reach sexual maturity.

The researchers concluded that Life expectancy directly depends on the absolute number of cortical neurons, since the cerebral cortex plays a key role in adapting to the environment and the stress response. But the size of the animal or person and the speed of their metabolism matter little.


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