Will cover the earth with a powerful magnetic storm


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At the end of July, 21 and 29, the Earth will collapse force of magnetic storm in two points. People who are sensitive to weather conditions may experience weakness, dizziness, and mood swings.

On the field at the end of July will fall storm force 2 points. This is highlighted by data from the National Meteorological Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, writes UNN on Saturday, July 14.

It is noted that from Friday evening 13 July, at three o'clock in the morning on the 14th, remained strong solar activity.

For weather-sensitive people such variations are tangible: possible weakness, dizziness, changes in mood. General poor health

A stronger magnetic storm is expected on July 21st and 29th. Its strength will be 2 points

Previously the Ukrainians warned against a long magnetic storm that will last almost five days.

We will recall, under the expert forecast of the Russian center for monitoring and forecasting EMERCOM emergency situations, a few dozen magnetic storms are expected to land in 2018.

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