Without humans in the radioactive Chernobyl region, wolves are responsible • Earth.com


A recent study has shown that wolves are thriving in the Chernobyl exclusion zone (CEZ), free of any human species. According to investigators, the region is not safer for animals, but some thrive in the absence of humans.

The study reveals that wolves have quickly repopulated the contaminated area since the 1986 nuclear disaster. Without the threat of being hunted by humans, wolves can enjoy an abundance prey throughout the region, which has been recovering for 30 years.

In 2015, a young male wolf was followed more than 220 miles from his home, which is the furthest distance from any animal hike out of the polluted site.

Researchers have set up tracking devices on 14 gray wolves in the CEZ. While 13 adult wolves stayed near the house, the only juvenile went on a trip. The young wolf was already 186 miles from the exclusion zone when his GPS collar stopped working.

Scientists believe that this could indicate that the ZEC serves as a wildlife refuge and that focus on the migration of other animals outside the area.

These studies can provide insight into the impact of the spillover zone on wildlife and inform experts of any potential genetic mutation that could spread to outside populations.

"It is worth exploring how the ZEC could" Given the high population density of wolves compared to neighboring uncontaminated reserves (up to seven times more), it should be assumed that wolves born in the ZEC regularly disperse in surrounding populations. "

Michael Byrne, co-author of the study of the University of Missouri at Columbia described Live Science : "Instead of being an ecological black hole, the exclusion zone of Chernobyl could actually serve as a source of wild animals to help protect the environment. Other populations of the region. "

" And these discoveries It does not apply only to wolves – it is reasonable to assume that similar things happen with other animals. "

The study is published in European Journal of Wildlife Research

By Chrissy Sexton Earth. com Staff Writer

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