Siri and Alexa are struggling to answer your questions about detergents and cheese


Voice assistants such as Apple's Siri, Amazon's Alexa and Google Assistant can do all sorts of useful things, from music to creating reminders, controlling lights and thermostats, but they still have significant blind spots. A new Forrester Research study found that when asked "business questions", all key voice assistants find it hard to answer.

[Image: courtesy of Forrester Research]

By "trade issues", Forrester refers to questions such as "What are the best places to sleep in Vermont?" "What kind of grated cheese should I use for this recipe?" "Where can I buy detergent liquid laundry today? and "How to open a savings account?"

Forrester asked 180 questions like this one for each voice assistant, but received only 35% of the time on average. In many cases, voice assistants directed users to an Internet search for more information, dropped the following queries, gave too long answers, or simply did not understand the question. (Google Assistant has slightly better than average results, while Cortana, Siri, and Alexa from Microsoft all have a worse situation.)

For brands looking to be mentioned by personalities such as Alexa and Siri, Forrester recommends continuing to target other marketing avenues that could lead to voice searches. For example, host companies that have high scores in the Yelp and Google Reviews rankings can earn endorsements from Siri and Google Assistant, while SEO can help insurance and finance companies.

As far as consumers are concerned, the kidnapping could involve continuing to use a phone or computer for most of your product searches.


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