Six Days in Fallujah recalls 11 years after Konami abandoned it •


Six Days in Fallujah emerged 11 years after Konami abandoned it.

The Iraq War game, set during the Second Battle of Fallujah in 2004, was dropped by Konami in April 2009 due to the amount of negative feedback it received.

“After seeing the reaction to the video game in the United States and hearing the opinions sent by phone and email, we decided several days ago not to sell it,” said at the time a carrier. word of Konami.

“We intended to convey the reality of the battles to the players so that they could feel what it was like to be there.”

Developer Atomic Games had collaborated with real American soldiers to authentically tell the battle of Fallujah in Iraq from an American perspective. Unsurprisingly, the shooter for PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 quickly received criticism from the mainstream press – even true SAS tough guy Andy McNab got involved.

Now, 11 years later, Six Days in Fallujah is back as a tactical, real-world event-based military shooter, in development by former makers of Halo and Destiny.

Victura, which was founded by former Atomic Games CEO Peter Tamte in 2016, is the Seattle-based company behind the renaissance, with studio Golem Highwire signed on to create the game. Highwire was created by Jaime Griesemer, who was the lead designer for the original Halo and Destiny games, Marty O’Donnell, who was audio director and songwriter for Halo and Destiny, and Jared Noftle, ​​who co-founded Airtight Games.

In his ad, Victura includes a quote from former Navy Sergeant Eddie Garcia, who was injured during the Battle of Fallujah and came up with the original idea for Six Days in Fallujah in 2005:

“Sometimes the only way to figure out what’s real is to experience reality for yourself,” Garcia said.

“War is filled with uncertainties and difficult choices that cannot be understood by watching someone on a television or movie screen make those choices for you. Video games can help us all understand real-world events in ways other media cannot. “


The press note points out that the developers are working with Marines and frontline soldiers who fought in the Battle of Fallujah, with more than 100 Iraqi Marines, Soldiers and civilians who were on hand to share their stories, photos and recordings. The game will feature original documentary interview footage.

Here’s a bullish quote from Tamte, perhaps in anticipation of questions about why this game needs to be created:

“It’s hard to understand what combat really looks like through the wrong people doing the wrong things in the wrong places. This generation has shown such remarkable sacrifice and courage in Iraq as any in history. . And now they offer the rest of us a new way of understanding one of the most important events of our century. It’s time to challenge outdated stereotypes about what video games can be. “

Six Days in Fallujah is slated for release on PC and consoles at some point in 2021.


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