Six minutes to midnight review: a finishing school for the Nazi elite


There have been a huge number of films made not only about WWII, but also about the days leading up to it. So it can be difficult to find new angles. How about this: a Nazi girls’ school in a seaside town in England in the 1930s?

Such a place existed: Augusta Victoria College in Bexhill-on-Sea. His school badge contained both a Union Jack and a swastika. This is where the girls of the Nazi elite went to end. Because of this particular fact, Eddie Izzard, whose family is from Bexhill, decided to forge a film; Izzard not only stars in “Six Minutes to Midnight,” but is also a screenwriter and an executive producer.

The storyline grafts a fictional suspense thriller evoking Hitchcock into the reality of the school’s existence. “Midnight” opens with the disappearance of an instructor at school, under dire circumstances. Enter Izzard as Thomas Miller, come replace him. Like his predecessor, Miller is a British spy really sent to gather information about the school. While the activities of the students, their German instructor Ilse (Carla Juri) and their British director (Judi Dench) seem pedagogically, the environment nonetheless seems conducive to espionage. And when Miller witnesses the student body’s enthusiastic response to Adolf Hitler’s radio speech, he thinks his superiors’ suspicions are correct.

Classified lists, a secret escape plan, and a murder staging come into play. The Double Crosses are portrayed by director Andy Goddard with above-average craft, but the more the film relies on old conventions. suspense, the more interest it loses, alas.

Six minutes to midnight
Rated PG-13 for violence. Duration: 1 hour 39 minutes. In theaters and available for rent or purchase on Apple TV, Google Play, and other streaming platforms and pay TV operators. Please review the guidelines outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before watching movies in theaters.


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