Skate 4 developer assures everyone he’s still doing Skate 4


The next creators of Electronic Arts Skate The game gave fans a development update on Monday that still hasn’t shown gameplay or answered some basic burning questions. Like, when could this come out? And everyone calls her Skate 4, but is it really his official title?

Instead, fans got assurances that Full Circle, the studio formed to handle the sequel, is working hard on the fourth game, which will likely launch more than a dozen years later. Skating 3. The gameplay of the last Skateboard exists, and some people outside of Electronic Arts have seen it, but we only see their reactions, not the footage itself. And Skate 4 won’t be showing during EA Play this week, which suggests its launch date is still well advanced.

Skate 4 was “commented on,” Creative Director Chris “Cuz” Parry said when the game was revealed during EA Play Live 2020. This referred to the informal fan’s social media campaign # skate4 for EA to resurrect the game. series. The last game in the franchise was released in 2010.

“We’ve been waiting years, honestly, to make the right game, at the right time, with the right idea, and – we’re really, really happy to say we’re here,” said Game Director Deran Chung. year.

The Skate series, which strove to deliver a more realistic and sport-simulation style of skateboarding, delivered three games for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 between 2007 and 2010. The series was originally developed by EA Black Box, a closed studio. by EA in 2013..


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