Skyward Sword to recreate in the breath of the wild


The illustration for the article titled Modding Breakthrough allows iLegend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword / i to be recreated Ini Breath Of The Wild / i

Screenshot: Nintendo / Waikuteru

Breath of the wild mud Waikuteru is on a roll. Last week they recovered the glorified storage unit that is Link’s house. Now they’ve taken full control of the giant house that houses Link’s house, I mean Hyrule.

In a new video, Waikuteru shows how a breakthrough in modding allows them to modify Breath of the wildOverworld, which means that it is now possible to recreate other Zelda games in BOTWexpansive limits of. Waikuteru demonstrated this by dropping a piece of Skyward Sword—The Town of Skyloft – In-game floating waterfalls and an extremely specific color scheme included.

In the video, Waikuteru explained how they accomplished this.

“There are four accessible worlds in Breath of the wild: The normal world you can see in the background, the world you will be warped into when entering a shrine, MainFieldDungeon (you will play in this world trying to complete a divine beast or the final test), [and] AocField (it’s a new world that was added with The Master Trials DLC, better known as The test of the sword). The MainField … is divided into 80 map sections. “

AocField is divided the same way, but it only uses 5 of the 80 sections of the map. “The other 75 sections of the map are free for us,” Waikuteru said. They put Skyloft in section 75 of the map and started jumping and running to other empty and busy sections. In doing so, the lighting and music in the game quickly changed depending on the type of location Link was supposed to be in.

What this means, in theory (and apparently in practice) is that the possibilities Breath of the wild modding are now much larger than they were before. The sky – or at least Skyward Sword– that’s the limit.

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