Sleep Watch with Apple Watch: Are you excited about it?


Yesterday 9to5Mac Gui Rambo presented the first exclusive details on the future sleep tracking feature for Apple Watch. This new feature, which will require users to wear the Apple Watch watch in standby, could be launched next week at the event "By innovation only" Apple.

We're curious about what you think about Apple Watch sleep monitoring, especially if you're ready to wear the Apple Watch in bed? Watch our video report for more details.

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The sleep tracking feature will offer the ability to track sleep quality using Apple Watch's inputs and sensors and will bring improvements such as a dedicated watch app for Apple Watch and a new complication of sleep tracking.

It should also be noted that if you own multiple Apple Watch, which is probably the reality of a large contingent of users, you can designate one for sleep tracking. This is probably the path I will take if I decide to use my Apple Watch to track the quality of my sleep.

Sleep tracking with Apple Watch video report

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As Rambo points out in his exclusive report, the Apple Watch will use its inputs and sensors to track such things as motion, sound and heart rate. At first, at least, it does not seem that the Apple Watch can benefit from the same amount of data as another sleep dedicated tracker, like Beddit, owned by Apple, but the fact that you were wearing the shows to your person will present distinct benefits.

A problem already taken into account by Apple is the life of the battery. The charging habits of a user will probably have to be adjusted, with most users charging their Apple Watch at night while they are sleeping. Apple will respond by reminding users that they must recharge before going to bed so that the equipment has enough juice to follow their activities while asleep. Of course, this will not be a problem for those who own more than one Apple Watch – and for everyone, we have an alternative suggestion that may be more practical.

Rambo's report highlights these features, along with other improvements, and I highly recommend reading it for a complete overview of what's going to happen. In the meantime, participate in our survey below and tell us what you think in the comments section.

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