2018 World Cup (quarter-final): Sweden – England (online)


SAMARA, July 7 (WebNoviny.sk) – Originally, in the championship part "spider" was awarded a seat for the defending football champion . But the Germans have long been home and Saturday in the third quarter of XXI. The world championships from 16:00 CEST in Russian Samara play against English teams and Sweden .

The cradle of football is still decorated with the only 1966 title of the house and has long been close to success. ] The Swedes would like to join the semifinals of the 1994 MS in the United States and the magnificent bronze medal. Historically, it was once money, but still in 1958 on domestic lawns. 2: 0 ) and the Belgians who deposed the Brazilians ( 2: 1 ) fought the French on Friday after the victory of Uruguay. Saturday, the program is still the last quarterfinal – from 20:00 Home CEST The Russians call the Croatians

MS at futball 2018

Sweden – England


0: 0, 0: 0 50 – 50, Arbitrators: Björn Kuipers – Sander van Roekel, Erwin Zeinstra (all of Hol.), video: D.
Sweden: Olsen – Krafth, Lindelöf, Granqvist, Augustinsson – Claesson, Ekdal, S. Larsson, E. Forsberg – Berg, Toivonen
Pickford – K. Walker, Stones, Maguire – Trippier, J. Henderson, A. Young – Lingard, Alli – Sterling, H. Kane

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