3 GB of data costs only 9 €!


Photo: Tesco Mobile

A mobile phone operator, Tesco Mobile, has decided to lower the price of three monthly packages up to 25% today.

Tesco Mobile cheaper data packages for owners of Bodka subscription cards. Prices fell by 25% which means that for the lowest 500 MB for 4 euros only 3 euros . For a lower price, buy a package of 1.5 GB of data which after a new 6 euros (formerly 8 euros) and 3 GB "With the new price data packets, we wanted to please our customers who are surfing online through the 4G fast growing network.We want them to be more accessible to Tesco Mobile's they use it to read messages, contact friends, watch videos or download applications . [en anglais] Tesco mobile

  • Internet500 3 years 3 eur monthly
  • Internet1500 12 eur na 9 eur Monthly

An operator points out that the uninterrupted data will be transferred to the following month just as before Change Internet for the day who after new [0,950] a day instead of 200 MB already offers 300 MB of data . " We are delighted that customers are using more and more internet, and we want them to serve the right amount of data." In calculating the imaginary megabyte, they're even more effective than they do. have been up to now, "says Alexander Vlčko

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