4G mobile internet is faster than Wi-Fi in many countries


5G networks are still in preparation, but the mobile Internet in many countries is now faster than traditional Wi-Fi. This group also includes Slovakia.

The mobile internet has not waited long for a hard and wireless home access. However, according to a survey by OpenSignal, it is clear that the situation has already changed even before the launch of 5G networks. In 33 countries, or 41% of all surveyed countries, the 4G mobile internet today is faster than home Wi – Fi.

SOURCE OpenSignal

In countries like Australia, Oman, Greece or the Czech Republic, mobile internet is up to 10 Mb / s faster. In Slovakia, the mobile internet is also faster, but on average only 2.3 Mb / s. In general, we do not even belong to countries where the connection is slowest. Algeria has the least mobile Internet network as well as Wi-Fi.

SOURCE OpenSignal

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The countries with the lowest speed differences are Hungary, Bangladesh, Belgium and Norway. On the contrary, no one is surprised that Wi-Fi is the fastest way to get to Hong Kong, Singapore and the United States.

SOURCE OpenSignal

Of course, Wi-Fi is not mobile, especially because most mobile subscribers are limited by a monthly fee. In addition, the coverage and expenses of the nearest issuer do not affect the internet at home. However, it will be interesting to see how the results of these surveys will change after the launch of most 5G networks in most countries.

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