The pigs are in 16 villages. In Michalovce, people from all over the street (map)


Some measles infections have been reported in the health literature as being properly vaccinated. Hygienists are now studying if that was really it.

At the beginning of May, 89 people living in 16 towns and villages in eastern Slovakia were ill-treated by mosquito nets.

The situation in Michalovce was so severe that the inhabitants of one street had to vaccinate exceptionally. This is the largest measles outbreak in Slovakia in the last 20 years.

Among those infected, there are unvaccinated persons, partially vaccinated. The third group of patients who received two doses of measles vaccine in their health literature is interesting. This means that newspapers should be fully vaccinated, hygienists are reviewing it.

Michalovski hygienists, two weeks ago, ordered the residents of Mlynska Street to undergo a medical examination and an extraordinary medical examination. "We are currently checking this out on the basis of new laboratory tests," said Dasha Rackova.

Hygienists found a way to prevent the spread of measles in this street

The Michalovce Municipal Office says that they have created conditions and vaccinations. "People have the opportunity to vaccinate directly on Mlynska Street, where the doctors went, but there were also those who went to vaccinate the doctors in outpatient clinics," said Adela Vojnová of the City Council's Communications Department.

More than 1,000,000 c street populations vaccinated up to now 694 people.

Most focal point remains Drahňov village where measles broke out. At the beginning of May, three people brought them there after their arrival from Britain. Nowadays, they count the number of people who have passed or are still suffering from an illness in 33.

In Drahňova, a detached work place of the secondary technical school was closed for a while.

Missing the measures

In the past two months, health professionals have received more than 460 different measures to prevent the spread of this highly contagious disease. Not all infections but the instructions were followed.

"The number of measles cases is increasing, and non-epidemic measures can also be missed," said Račková.

Michalovce hospitals, where they hospitalize mosquito suspects, must join the beds of another department for the growing number of patients and the limited capacity of the infectious department

For patients with infectious diseases such as measles. Geriatric patients have moved to other departments up to now. "In the event of an increase in the number of patients relative to the hospital capacity, other hospitals in the Kosice area should be prepared for the reception of patients, as we communicate with the Regional Office of Public Health from Michalovce ", Jan Fedáková, spokesman for Svet Zdravia Hospital.

Donkeys did not even escape the baton. For the three nurses of the infectious disease, the disease has been confirmed.

All were vaccinated in their childhood. However, in the years 1968 and 1985, a less stable vaccine was used, and not enough antibody was produced in humans. All three have already overcome the disease and are back at work.

The next five doctors and nurses at the Michigan Hospital are still suspected of measles, which is currently waiting for laboratory test results.

"On the basis of these facts, the Michigan Hospital Authority reinforced the anti-epidemic measures during the month of June to protect its patients and staff. who had not completed her measles had to be vaccinated against measles, "added the spokeswoman.

Vaccinations were the most effective in vaccination

The donuts showed us in great power last time in 1998, when the number of infected animals rose to 546.

Follow-up by years without occurrence , or a couple appeared until last year, and this year they began to grow.

Vaccination against measles is more effective. Two doses of MMR vaccine provide about 97% and a vaccine with 93% effectiveness in the prevention of measles

If a child has been vaccinated and wants to see if it is about 39, a less stable vaccine, it can go to a GP but you pay for it.

However, the president of the Association of Private Medical Practitioners Marián Šóth remarks that he is going to do a national immunological investigation. The hygienists started it at the beginning of July.

"The blood is taken from the population and the antibodies are checked in the reference laboratories, so what is the quality of antibodies in terms of the population in Slovakia." we know that it must still be recruited and that it is no longer necessary, "explains Šóth.

The disease spreads in the air and begins with fever, colds, coughs, conjunctivitis and mild burn.

On the fourth to fifth day, a rash appears all over the body.If this is a simple course of the disease, it takes 10 to 14 days. (F, F, Q, B , e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () n.callMethod?
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