German coalition crisis: SPD will not stay in government if Merkel pushes mass camps


"The mass camps, where the refugees will be closed for several weeks, will not exist with (support) the SPD," said Lars Klingbeil, secretary general of the party, Wednesday morning. In the first public TV broadcast ZDF, however, also expressed the belief that the federal coalition could find a compromise.

Many questions remain open, writes DPA. The Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (Christian Social Union of Bavaria), must reach an agreement with Austria. If there is no agreement with Austria, there is also the whole compromise between the CSU and the German Christian Democrat Union (CDU), Klingbeil noticed.

"Mr. Seehofer has not been stronger in recent weeks, he is a weakened interior minister" Secretary General of the SPD. Merkel agreed on Monday to establish a so-called "transit zones on the border with Austria, from where return migrants will be registered elsewhere in the EU." In these closed centers In Bavaria, asylum seekers whose applications will be assessed under an accelerated procedure should be placed in. Migrants from the transit area will not be allowed to leave before they have finished. German coalition will continue negotiations Thursday evening

Merkel: The question of migration can determine the future of the European Union as a whole

The question of migration can decide whether the Union European Commission will remain, Wednesday German office Angela Merkel.The DPA is informed.The EU needs its citizens to provide a common view on migration, which is legally feasible, realistic and united, said Merkel in the Bundestag in Be rlin "A greater order in all migration must be given to people At the summit of the EU last week, despite the long debates and different interests, leaders have agreed that access to migrants is not a question for the different European countries, but a task that concerns everyone " Merkel said.

At the same time, she explained that in the meantime, 95% of refugees arrive across the Mediterranean Sea. Nevertheless, the protection of Europe's external borders should continue to be strengthened. As part of the planned extension of the EU Border Guard Agency, Frontex, Merkel promised: "Germany will contribute by it."

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