Criminal notification in Havana is intimidation, says Balogová SME editor-in-chief


BRATISLAVA, July 4 ( – A criminal ad from the law firm Ján Čarnogurský to Michael Havran is a form of intimidation of the author, a theologian who uses the lawless lawyer. irony to denounce the abuse of the Catholic faith to spread extremist and hateful opinions. in the society. "Criminalizing the point of view, even in an expressive way, does not help to disguise publicly, as well as the logic of the law firm, that Raven opposed the Christian God. and against Jesus Christ, certainly much more would be useful in public dissonance if, for example, the Charon office of UCL was more opposed to the boom of actual fascist manifestations defamed by race and religion, " is in the opinion

Čarnogurský ULC sro filed a criminal complaint Tuesday for defamation of the Catholic religion, beliefs and its representatives. SITA was informed by Miriam Štímelová, a member of Miriam Štímelová, who wrote the article on the portal of the SME newspaper entitled "Send Kuffu to the circus."

"The author, named Michael Havran, defames the article Christianity and Christians from the Hall of Pride article, and bypassing the extremist views of the author on the Views of all Christian believers.The author is raised against the God of Christians and against Jesus Christ.The article by the author is not only immoral, but also illegal. 19659002] A number of convicts

The law firm considers more than twenty signatories, including theologians, journalists and politicians, for the attack on freedom of expression, " am-card-image = "top" data-lazy-srcset = "×54.jpg 81w, https : //×451.jpg 676w, publicista-a-moderator-michal-havran-768×512.jpg 768w, 2018/07 / publicista-a-moderator-michal-havran-992×661.jpg 992w,×107.jpg 160w,×208.jpg 312w, /07/publicista-a-moderator-michal-havran-672×448.jpg 672w,×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # d56a64 "/>

In a statement sent by SITA to the evangelical theologian Ondrej Prostredník, the signatories state that religious institutions and groups of believers can not refer to the protection of religion, religion or belief, if they are the target of social criticism

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