Back Fica is slowly ready


Peter Pellegrini reveals more and more his true role.

Four months have passed since the murder of Ján Kuciak, four months ago, when the truth about the link between organized crime and the political elites of our state was unveiled, and Peter Pellegrini ended up pretending

. This is how his behavior can be read. There are apparently internal consultants available who have a clear word, for example, that the voter of Smeru does not agree with the protests for the good Slovak Republic or that the "s". Elector of the Directorate does not sympathize with the farmers who recently demonstrated in Bratislava

. surveys. Their policy is based on phrases and steps whose role is to get voters to have the impression that the party depends on the lives of ordinary people

. It's a fact. There are cases where people just heard a few minutes after Robert Fico's press release, asking questions about his speech. The leaders wanted to check if they killed their heads

This is a so-called "Social Democrats."

Well, and today, Peter Pellegrini obviously does not have to play the role of prime minister – upset by the situation.This may already be the first direction, which has clear notes from the advisers.This is why Robert Fico is more and more remembered, and it is precisely to because of this misconception that Robert Fico left.

He did not come and does not seem to want to go in. There is no reason.The survey results indicate that from a drop to 20%, the direction is slowly shaken and increases to just over 21% .This may be a statistical error (+ – 3%), but it may also mean that the biggest crisis has survived and that everything is ready for the return of the king.

The Acting Prime Minister, who does not even consider the president of the CIS as a partner, does a great job for his boss.

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