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Stužica, Bukovské vrchy – naturally dead wood.


Slovakia has again been criticized by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. The reason is unique beech forests of the Carpathians, which continue to jeopardize the mining and hunting of game.

Although UNESCO gave us another chance, the risk of locating the site
of the prestigious list has not disappeared completely. Chef Lesoochranárskeho
the LAG group Juraj Lukáč has been saying for years that if we can not reach the
to ensure the protection to which he belongs, he must reject it from UNESCO.
"Slovakia is holding out and pretending to be active while she is in the territory
legal mining and everything goes to the statement that there is more to protect,
because everything was precious, "said Lukáč in an interview
The Truth

UNESCO has called on Slovakia to act in the last year. He made the state

State authorities conduct a number of different activities, but none of them
it does not solve the basic problems of border design
5,766 hectares in the sense of the draft nomination proposal and
protection of this territory. In the second half of 2017, a job was created
a group whose task was to define the boundaries. The result was the design of the territory
with an area of ​​3600 hectares. This proposal introduced Slovakia to the Committee
UNESCO World Heritage Site on December 7, 2017. The proposal was not a committee
accepted. Similarly, it is also the declaration of the Slovak Republic
on the suspension of mining. This only concerns an area of ​​3,600 hectares,
and not 5,766 hectares, as indicated in the draft nomination proposal. law
say, Slovakia is holding up and pretending to activity, while in the territory
there is legal mining and everything is heading towards the statement that this is no longer what
to protect because all the precious has been taken.

  Head of the group Lesoochranárskeho VLK Juraj ... "data-original =" https://ipravda.sk/res/2018/07/05/thumbs/juraj-lukac-strednaW.jpg

Head of Lesoochranárskeho

The VLK Forest Group is increasingly asking to be
the Slovak part of the forests of the UNESCO list is scrapped. You insist
further? What exactly prevents you

The VLK for expulsion takes. The basic incentive for such a proposal
of 2012 is for us eleven years of inaction by state authorities to
ensure the protection of World Heritage. Recently, he only changed
that the state authorities, under pressure from the World Heritage Committee
UNESCO, imitate the activity. Since there was no stage that
solve the existing problems, is the only explanation that the state authorities
they do not have the will to solve this problem. We think that it is necessary to stop
deceive the international community and the Slovak components of the
UNESCO World Heritage List

What is the current situation in forests

The problem of forest protection is still a legal step,
of their size belongs to non-state owners. State the problem until now
has not been resolved, negotiations are still ongoing. What should be the solution
on the one hand, ensure adequate protection of forests, on the other
do not harm landowners?

This is a diversion. Only a portion of the private owners do not agree, and that is
which owns the smallest part of the territory of the UNESCO site. For example, in
Vihorlat Hills private landowners agree with the protection almost
300 hectares. After all the previous negotiations, the only solution
it seems that the state finds an alternative to the land of Urbariats in Starinska

Last year, you handed over to the Ministry of Environment the "petition for
nothing "with the requirement that at least five percent of Slovakia's land area
free territory, where it will not be able to dig, hunt and land
there is a real desert. The petition has been signed by more than 50,000 people. displaced

After handing over the petition to the Ministry of the Environment, a number of
Negotiations and some petition petitions also entered Envirostrategy
from here 2030, that the Institute prepares for the Ministry of the Environment
environmental policy. The basic requirement of the petition for security
non-intervention scheme at five per cent of the territory of the Slovak Republic
has not yet been accepted by the Ministry of the Environment

The protection of forests is still low

UNESCO has examined the weak protection of forests already in place
session. The problem was wood harvesting and hunting, but also unclear boundaries
territory, since between the text and the map part of the proposal for registration
The 2007 project is inconsistent. It was a threat because the Slovak part
the forest will be removed from the list of UNESCO. The Committee then called Slovakia
Important steps to increase forest protection

At the beginning of the year, the Committee now notes that, if the State is in the matter,
the protection of natural wealth is still not assured. Slovakia has therefore
accelerate the process of identifying borders and increasing forest protection. Until December 1st
2019 will then submit an updated status report to UNESCO
of natural heritage

Forests have been on UNESCO's list since 2007 and are protected in Slovakia
the territory of the four components. Three of them are part of the national park
Poloniny: Havešová, Rožok and Stužica-Bukovské vrchy. The fourth component is
part of the protected landscape area of ​​Vihorlat. According to the ministry
environmental protection is protected from mining and hunting
in the localities of Rožok and Havešová, where the highest
protection. Stužica-Bukovské vrchy and Vihorlat are being prepared
extend the territory with the 5th degree of protection by announcing three new
nature reserves

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