Gizka, the television confessor She showed her teenage granddaughter: Look at this cat!


Gizka Oňová, the most famous television confessor, has three children with her husband, Roland, the daughter of Scarlett and Martha, and with his five grandchildren. One of them was bragged on Monday in the Markizáckého Teleráne, where Gizka was a guest and a teenager made her company. It was his 17 year old granddaughter Laura.

Many viewers must have noticed that the grandmother of the granddaughter was really a cat who would immediately catch her pretty face. A brown-haired lady with beautiful brown eyes and sharp facial features could be silent about modeling. Gizka must be proud of her granddaughter, she is not only beautiful but also seductive as she constantly helps her in the kitchen.

In addition to her, the famous television assistant has been hired by other granddaughters in the past. they are federals. Looking. You can find pictures in our GALLERY »

Do you like Laura on her famous Gizku buck

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