Beckov will come to life with a blacksmith job –


Blacksmiths from Slovakia and Moravia create a knightly statue

6. July 2018 at 10:23 TASR

Beckov – Beckov Castle will come alive next week-end (July 7-8) with anvils, fire and old ironworks

The Blacksmith Days offer visitors the chance This is an opportunity to see their craftsmen from Slovakia and Moravia. They will create a common work – the statue of Duke Stibor of Stiborice.

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The Most High Knight

] The This year's joint work is symbolic, on the occasion of the 630th anniversary of the donation of Beckov Castle to the Duke of Stibor. King Zigmund of Luxembourg issued the charter of donation to the castle and the Beckov estate on July 16, 1388 for his faithful knight Stibor of Stiborice for his faithful service and dedication, Pastier approached
Visitors to Beckov Castle will be able to to convince that even today blacksmiths have skilled hands. "

" Visitors can observe blacksmiths directly at work and especially try to work with fire, iron and hammer in an interactive workshop

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