Update: The Canoeists were the best Marticans of Augsburg, only Mintal


  • Last update: 6 July 17:03

AUGSBURG, 6 July (WebNoviny.sk) – The four Slovaks in the C1 category entered the semi-finals of the World Cup slalom World Cup of water in Augsburg Germany. The three Slovak canoeists kajakárka Eliška Mintálová and kajakárka Eliška Mintálová and Jakub Grigar

of the Czechoslovakian quartet qualifying Friday morning at the men's "céjednotke" were the best of the most experienced Michal Martikán, who took second place

Despite the two-second penalty, the Olympic medalist five times was lagging behind the German Sideris Tasiadis by only 45th second, but the local competitor hit one of the doors

very well . I did not worry too much, I went with water. In many places, the water helped me and I was glad that it was so fast, " Michal Martikán said in an interview with SITA [19659006] Slafkovský šel bezpečně

Other Slovak representatives the young Marko Mirgorodský finished fifth, World Cup leader Alexander Slafkovsky ninth and Matej Beňuš with two eighteen penal seconds.

At the moment, the best of Slovaks in category C1, Alexander Slafkovsky, admitted that he was gone "" to make sure that he was not mistaken.I think I was the only one to go directly to try it before Saturday.It was probably slower, but I went through there, and I proceed from the first round, which is great. "

At first I wanted to do it mostly because unity is unpleasant. There is a demanding cylinder. The rest of the track was fine, I did not support it and I just paddled it. I was a little surprised to be the first. I thought the others were going a little faster, " said Marko Mirgorodsky after qualifying.

Matej Beňuš said: " It was far from good. Not a combination went as I wanted it. It is Augsburg, a ride is great and the other is not. We will see what the semifinals will be tomorrow. I accomplished the target and I went from the first race to focus on the semi-finals. "

The 20 best joggings

There is only one of the three Slovenians among the kayakers.In first qualifying, none of them, only Eliska Mintalova has In the first race, Elena Kaliskuta was ranked 24th, Elizabeth Mintalová 28th and Michael Haššová 45th.

In the semifinals she qualified the top 20 juniors, the remaining 10 places in Saturday's races fought the riders in the second race, Eliška Mintálová was ninth, Elena Kaliskej took the lead finishing eighth in the 85th minute of the semifinals.

"I'm happy to have arrived over there. After the second round, I did not really think about it because I was wrong and I was angry. I just kicked the first door, which I will not get used to. Then it was broken, and I did not do too much. I hope that the semi-final will be better for me, "said Eliška Mintálová, the kayakers made their first lap in the rain and withdrew before the second collision

Haššová with two touches

the second qualification, Michaela Haššová and Elena Kaliská remained sad "My first ride up to a bigger mistake was relatively good, in the other a little bit of water did not get me wrong. had not touched, and it did not slip as I wanted. But I do not want to go to the water, I should have gone a little faster and that would be there. " evaluated the double Olympic champion Kaliska for the SITA

Michaela Haššová in the second qualification first gave" fifty "to one of the doors , but later revised their verdict.The young representative, however, touched twice the goal and found himself in the third tenth.

"In the first race, I broke the middle because I missed the goal and I had to come back. The second, I got better, but, erky, I was pretty slow. I'm not good here, I have not been here for a long time and we had little training " was sadly in his voice

Sheikh is unhappy with the ride

In the first qualification Canoe women advancing twenty of Slovenika only Soňa Stanovská from 17th place. Victory of the Austrian Nadine Weratschnig, and four offensive seconds, lasted 14.68 seconds

"I am happy not to have to do any repairs.I can go for the C2 mix of Saturday and then on Sunday I have the C1. ” am-card-image=”top” data-lazy-srcset=”https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-81×54.jpg 81w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-676×448.jpg 676w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-768×509.jpg 768w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-992×657.jpg 992w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-160×106.jpg 160w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-312×208.jpg 312w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-672×448.jpg 672w, https://cdn.webnoviny.sk/sites/32/2017/05/dsc1307-120×80.jpg 120w” sizes=”(max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px” data-dominant-color=”#c7c9c7″/>

The chance to qualify for the semifinals was fought by Monika Škejová and Simona Maceková in the repair race and at The success was eighth and the tenth of Macek.

"I'm not happy with my race, because I did not have a heavy stump and I had to come back. I hope that in the semifinals, my turn will be better. " Monika Skachova said after the second qualification.

Simona Macekka was still waiting for the judges to judge some of the events that could move her just below the line. " At the bottom of the second run, I had take a lot of risk and I thought we would not receive any extra punishment. The only thing I appreciate now, is that I will have to get up early Sunday " said with a smile.

Halcin goes out with his ears

Among the kayakers, the half final was abandoned by Martin Halčin 23rd place) and Jakub Grigar (16th), Jakub Stanovsky (59th) waiting for a fix course

"I just started the unit, so the departure was not good. He came out with my ears. I did not feel well, I had enough warmth. I am happy to be there, " said Martin Halčin for the SITA agency.

Jakub Grigar was the best of the Slovaks who did not feel ideal before the race. " I am happy with the first qualification process. I did not feel ideal initially, the same as I told the coach. I look forward to the process and I can prepare for Sunday. I would love it to come out in the final, because I'm very worried about it. After Krakow, however, I came to the conclusion that it's just a sport and that you do not have to do it, "big head". I'm doing this because I like it and I like using the semifinals " says in

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