Russia was free for Gorbachev


The controversial feminist group Pussy Riot performed under Matúš Čák Castle.

A few hundred meters more than half an hour before the start of the discussion, one of the discussion forums at Trencian Airport

Roma and Russian punk

In addition to the groups, Pohoda Festival is also a non-traditional guest this year. The Russian punk band Pussy Riot.

"Oh, it's music from the outside We're at the festival, thanks for warning" Michal Kaščák, Pohoda organizer, laughs when he discovers who drops the music in the discussion tent

People are sitting on the ground, people sitting on the benches of the tent. It's hot and hard. As the organizers pointed out, in the afternoon, a storm could fall on Trencin

During lunch, the hut's Chalani arrives on the podium in an oversized place. Among them, Roma from the village of Budulovska in Moldavia nad Bodvou

Among them, beatings of Roma after police intervention for five years

More than 60 police officers intervened after a search in the colony. They did not find anyone, there were dozens of homes injured and destroyed. According to the police, the intervention was in order, the courts expressly sentenced the Roma for their misconduct

Chalani of the hut began two debates, one of them on the raid in Moldova nad Bodvou

Arrival in the puppets [19659004] After the mini concert, it is the girls' hour, for which some have spent a few minutes in a row.

Two members of the Pussy Riot group arrive in shades – white and pink. This is a sign of the radical feminist formation of Moscow.

Nadezhda leader Andreyevna Tolokonnikova is without a helmet. They are joined by three men who are part of the world class group of today.

What do they take? In Moscow, the Savoy Temple of Christ the Savior made a song in 2012, asking the Virgin Mary to strip Russia of its president, Vladimir Putin. Three of the members were sent to prison for this purpose,

Among them was Tolokonnikova, whose judges were two years in a labor camp in Siberia. After the amnesty of Vladimir Putin they released them

Without a Slovak

While Chalani of the hut sings in Romani language, the discussion with the Pussy Riot is in English and without interpreter. Some of the people leave the tent.

"Do you think it was a criminal act?" Ask the moderator. Pussy Riot thinks. "I do not think so," says Masha Alyokhina, one of the group members.

According to him, he can only protest against the politicians in Russia on the social networks, in the streets

They know it well. In addition to the incident in the church, they also arrested them for protesting against the power of the government. Officially the offense to block the office.

Masha still lives in Moscow. "Hard to believe, is not it?" She laughs.

He thinks that many people in Russia are influenced by TV propaganda that determines what is good and what is not.

"Have you ever asked Pussy Riot about subsidies?" The moderator asked.

"I did not think about it," says another of the girls, Sasha Kloka

. According to Pussy Riot, the greatest freedom was in Russia (Mikhail) Gorbachev. Freedom of speech, freedom for artists. "For me, it's very important to bring the story to the public through our stock," adds Sasha.

She remembered that Vladimir Putin was a former KGB agent. "After the events in the church, it changed and there was a reduction," he adds.

Trump vs. Putin

The practices of the Soviet secret services are still present for them today. Most in state power propaganda

"Many people in Russia outside of Moscow watch television, so the propaganda effect happens very quickly," he adds.

Another direct question before the end: "What's worse America's Trump or Putin's Russia?"

There is a laugh at the tent. "You can feel free in America.You can be gay, have a different opinion, it is not possible in Russia, they want to silence you," says Pussy Riot. (19659034)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {19659905} We do not want Putin Russia or Trump's United States, if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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