The admirable gesture of Griezmann: He preached why he did not score in Uruguay


<img src = "" width = "298" alt = "Raphael Varane sends his team to the direction "Raphaël Varane sends his team to the management"

Raphaël Varane sends his team to the management

NIŽNIJ NOVGOROD – The French football players have qualified for the semifinals of MS 2018 in Russia, winning a 2-0 win against Nizhny Novgorod against Uruguay on Friday in the first quarterfinals after the goals of Raphael Varane and Antoine Griezmann., coach Uruguay: "We made a great physical effort in the first twenty minutes, but we have not used the weaknesses of France. The opening goal affected the whole match, we discussed the break, but we did not find a solution in the second half. The players gave up everything but France had a very good duel control and I admitted that it was better than us. Our dream of MS is over, new dreams are coming. You feel sad, but we have to go ahead, some more elite countries have fallen earlier. It does not have to be dramatized, the reality too. "

Didier Deschamps, France coach: " I am proud of my team. I am very happy, we got the deserved victory. Our team is very young and improves, we have been together for 40 days. It is important now that we can focus again and prepare for the next game. "

Hugo Lloris, Captain of France: " When we needed it, we could improve our performance. It shows the configuration of the team in a difficult duel. The benefits we gained before the break helped us. The shot from Cáceres was important because it did not allow Uruguay to score a goal in the locker room. We have to continue that way, there are two games left. "

Antoine Griezmann, goalkeeper of France and Match Player: " The ball in my goal was overflowing, for the goalkeepers, such a shot is complicated, so I have tried. I did not celebrate because I wanted to show respect to the Uruguayan who helped me in the debut of Atlético Madrid. We still need a win to advance in the final, but we are happy. "

Raphael Varane, author of the Objectives of France: " It is joy, pure joy, it is beautiful. Before the goal, I told Antoine to put my head on my head and found me perfectly. We will do everything to become masters of the world. "

France Uruguay MS in football 2018

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