Kooperativa launched the eKooperativa customer portal


BRATISLAVA 6 July 2018 (WBN / PR) – KOOPERATIVA poisťovňa, a Vienna Insurance Group continues the trend of modernizing its services and brings even greater comfort to its customers. The new eKooperativa electronic eKooperativa customer portal will allow you to access contract details and help you manage insurance events. In addition, customers who register before the end of October will be included in the contest.

"Many things can be recruited by phone or personal visit at a branch, but we all know that an electronic form is available non-stop. a lot much more comfortable. That's why our customers bring the eKooperativa customer portal, " says Ing. Vladimir Bakeš, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of KOOPERATIVA, added: " If customers decide to check their insurance policies and make sure that they are properly set up and paid for, or that they need details, they can do it anywhere, [[] 19659003] An electronic portal, available on the insurance website www.koop.sk, is a clear tool that will give clients an overview of their insurance contracts.In addition, it serves and helps in the reporting and settlement of a claim, as well as in electronic communication with the insurance company.In addition, eKooperativa online registration will offer customers a valuable prize contest

"We will continue to develop the eKooperativa e-Portal and gradually add more services to make the feature more attractive and comfortable even for a more demanding clientele. " said Ing. Vladimír Bakeš. The current version is able to display a detailed overview of all closed fuse and payments, modify the selected data, generate electronic reports step by step and offer an online payment for arrears. "The entry into the customer portal is conditional upon registration with appropriate input data to ensure the technical security of the user data. To maximize security, the Registration is conditional on communication by e-mail and sms. " was concluded by the chairman of the board of directors and the general manager of KOOPERATIVA

The customer can log into the account eCooperativa via LinkedIn, Google or via e-mail and password. The entire page is programmed in a responsive design, so it fits the device that the client uses (notebook, tablet, smartphone)

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