How do you substitute your medicine for pressure?


Drugs containing valsartan remove the authorities from the market. They use their patients to treat hypertension or infarction.

The reason is that they found dirt in their active ingredient, that they did not have to look for it. What does it mean for patients and how to use these drugs

The State Institute for Drug Control has ordered the withdrawal from the Slovak market of drugs containing the active ingredient valsartan. The decision applies to all medicines called Vapress, Vasopentol, Valzap and Valsartan Actavis. They contain impurities in their active substance

The unlabeled active substance is manufactured by a company based in China and delivered to producers in the European Union. "Patients should not discontinue treatment arbitrarily and visit the attending physician within a month or less", State Institute spokesperson for the control of drugs, Magdalen Jurkemikova. Completed by a doctor prescribing another medication, a number of therapeutic remedies are available on the market and the measure does not apply. Patients are not in an acute state

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These medicines are available for download

Vapress, Vasopentol, Valzap, Valsartan Actavis

  • another medicine suitable for you [19659010] does not discontinue treatment arbitrarily, there is a risk of sudden increase in pressure and then a life-threatening complication

What they found in the drug

In the substance Active found the impurity N-nitrosodimethylamine. It is classified as probable carcinogen. It is commonly found in the air, some food and tobacco products. The presence of a given impurity in drugs is unacceptable in the long run

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