The LUNETIC phenomenon invites the most glamorous fans: 200 exclusive ticketing tickets to 2 subscribers!


The Czech phenomenon Lunetic will perform three exclusive concerts in Slovakia at the end of this year. It is the musical of the year – the most famous group of boys in our history will return to the celebration of the concert of its 20th anniversary on the stage in its original with Martin Kocián.

Lunetic performs on Thursday, November 15 at Majestic Music Clube in Bratislava, on Friday, November 16 at the Encore Clube de Prešov and on Saturday, November 17

As the l & # 39; The organizers of the concert strings said that the first wave of tickets in Bratislava was sold in a single week.Because of the great interest of the fans for the Slovak concerts, the organizers and the Lunetic group made a big surprise – two exclusive autographs in Slovakia Special tickets are added to the sales of the Slovak tour, which are a combination of entry and registration for a concert. "Autogramiády will be before the concerts in Bratislava and Banska Bystrica. " " After the purchase of this special ticket, fans will have a guaranteed entrance to a concert in Bratislava or Banská Bystrica, as well as an earlier entry to the club, where the autograph pre-concert takes place, " .Two exclusive autographs will only get the most glamorous fans of phenomenal boybandu." style = "width: 675px; height: 450px;" />


Tickets for concerts and autographs in Bratislava for sale here



15.11 Tickets for concerts and autographs in Banská Bystrica. Bratislava – Majestic Music Club

16.11. Prešov – ENCORE the club

17.11. Banská Bystrica – Ministry of Entertainment

More info:

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