Merkel wants to maintain relations with the United States


German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed the tremendous importance of transatlantic relations and emphasized the role of the United States in Germany's struggle for freedom and independence.

"What freedom and independence mean, we Germans have learned from the United States" said Merkel at the reception of members of the diplomatic corps at Meseberg Castle near Berlin. In this context, he mentions the Berlin Air Force, by which the Allies begin to supply the western sectors of the divided city at the end of June 1948.

The same solidarity allowed, according to Merkel , the process of reunification of Germany in 1990. we have not forgotten, " said a German office that has not forgotten to mention even the current contradictions between the EU and the United States. "We can only hope that we will not end up in a spiral of business conflict," Merkel added.

In the presence of the US American ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenel, close associate of Trump White House chief Kim Chong-un on the relief of tension on the Korean peninsula According to Merkel, Germany also needs to invest more in defense and play a bigger role within the OTA N, which is one of the main requirements of Trump

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