The tough war between the singers resulted in: Moving to Mirga and now … Was it a must ?!


"Even though I do not have Air Max with conversions, I'm sexy.You say you're up, but Jaros writes your words.It does not have to be scrutinized by scientists, it's that you're out of the question, " in 2015, Aless heard in one of his songs, and everyone immediately understood that a rapist who was only 16 years old at the time

The singers began trading hard links, and Mirg, who did not understand where the problem really was, was in Aless sung in one song – Stage " I met her at the concert, she said, she really likes my job, she likes my songs and she wants to be like me.A few years ago she took me to the mushroom, probably thought that 39; she would ride on my back, " left to hear the end of the song

It did not take long and young blonde to dominate Dominic in the next song where Dominikine's words she denied and asserted that she had obvious memory problems. "Tell me where I'm going to hit you, I'm not going to climb to get you drowning, you take my name, my back is not a toboggan, I'm down, Dominic's line, "

poured his heart into the text by the self-proclaimed Queen of Ramses two years ago.

Aless admitted that she was grateful for the second chance with Dominica Mirg.

  Hard War Among Singers

Source: Instagram

Today, however, it seems all the rest. The ladies of the social network have published a joint photo broadcast with comments that they say for everything. While Mirgough wrote about the importance of forgiving and giving people a second chance, his young colleague is without ashes on his head "Thank you for every man that she can forgive." None of us It's perfect, we learn our own mistakes, and I'm very grateful that we gave another chance to Domi. " Aless recognized

And what about the l? burial of an ax of war? "She called, I apologized, I did not understand, and that she believes in these things of karma and that it happens because of that", revealed in the TBT Dominic marquee, that Aless confessed to the fact that colleagues were pushing her for the entire promise.well, it seems that the young rapist has finally ended, and Dominic, who over the years has taken a conflict with indignation, can be proud to face the whole situation as a real lady.They can only be cried for having spent three years in a friendship relationship, and instead have waged a war on the songs

Can you forgive if someone is so publicly involved in you

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