Tourminator has a chance right now!


And here it is! A big cycling festival called Tour de France starts today. And right now, Peter Sagan will have a great chance to win a stage! However, various pitfalls await it.

The first leg is 201 km long and at first glance it may be quite simple. He has a rather flat profile, suggesting that will make a winner of his last winner

If Sagan wins this stage, he will wear a yellow jersey

Peter Velits (the second man of the order General of Vuelty 2010)

  Peter Velis is Open Gallery

Open Gallery

] "The first stage has a flat profile, so the chance for the final goal is almost 100%. Unpredictable will play an important role as it will be largely along the coast.It will surely blow the wind, which in some passages is really annoying life.In addition, the runners will be fresh and energetic .All of them will be aggressively squeezed into the bunch, and this can be dangerous.There may be accidents and other problems.Everyone will feel the chance of a yellow jersey, which is a big motivation. Sagan is the favorite day, Sagan is the biggest favorite, the chance to gag ner is very big. (F, f, q, f, f, q, f, q, f, q, f) .callMethod?
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