EU citizens could be privileged after the brexette


British Prime Minister Theresa May on Saturday highlighted the benefits of her latest proposal on Brexitis regarding the creation of a partial free trade zone between the United Kingdom and the European Union.

In his words, EU citizens should benefit from the United Kingdom after leaving Britain

Mayo for the BBC said the plan that has up to now the incoherent firm of the cabinet Friday after talks of nearly 12 hours would allow Britain to fulfill its commitments and continue to protect British economic interests

The Prime Minister said that the commitment to put an end to the free movement of persons would be respected, the jurisdiction of the EU Court of Justice in the United Kingdom would be limited and the United Kingdom would send more to the Union "huge sums of money" each year

The British government has announced that a new plan approved by cabinet members will be described in detail in the government's official document next week, and that the government will be able to meet the expectations of the government. public in what the brexit should mean. London will negotiate with EU leaders May hoped that drafts will wipe out interviews on brexit conditions

May also seek to put end of public disagreements on his progress on brexitis by his fellow Conservatives The minister has already warned that he would not tolerate public criticism of government policy after cabinet support

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