ONLINE: Stage 2: Mouilleron-Saint-Germain – Roche-sur-Yon – Sports


We wish all cycling fans a nice Sunday afternoon!
105th The most famous race in the world Tour de France
today continues the second stage which measures 182,5 kilometers and
led from Mouilleron-Saint-Germain to La Roche-sur-Yon . 201 kilometers and flat
character. It could have been a side wind because it was over a hundred kilometers
have passed the runners along the Atlantic coast. Finally, however, he
development has not indicated. The scene was a typical flat material
with three controlled leaks. The calm of the first day was disturbed
Mass casualty in the platoon about ten kilometers ahead of the target.
Arnaud Démar, Richie Porte and Adam Yates were also interested.
Subsequently, defending champion Chris Froome Chris Froome has not yet defeated the defeat
caused problems for another elite runner in the general order of Nairova
Quintana. The winner of the stage decided on the last master card that he was in
the fastest Fernando Gaviria. Colombian cyclist 23 years old behind
on the left Sagan, Kittel and Kristoff. Dylan Groenewegen, Michael Matthews and John
Degenkolb finished in the top ten, while Hunter Mark Mark
Cavendish and André Greipel did not show up at the end of the stage

Peter Sagan finished in an excellent position behind the rear wheel
Gaviria, but he could not catch him. Triple World Champion
However, we can be satisfied with the introductory performance at the Old Times.
Fernando Gaviria, however, had the greatest satisfaction yesterday.
The cyclist from the Quick-Step Floors team turned his first stage into a Tour de France
triumph, which he also produced a yellow jersey and also the first prize of the competition
a green jersey and a ranking of riders under 25 years old.

The first stages of the Tour de France accompanied nervousness, all the teams
go from the front either to prepare a position for the trainee or to import into
protection zone of the leader in the general order. They have just fallen. Yesterday
Chris Froome, Richie Porte, Adam Yates and Domenico
Those who lost 51 seconds in the target. He left the man with 1:15 minutes
first round of Nairo Quintana, High Court of Colombia to defeat

Second round of second round for champions

The second round of the 105th Tour de France should culminate in a mass
in which they will fight for victory the fastest men
pack. The profile contains only one categorized gradient. Its summit is
is located 28 kilometers and is a mountain premium of the fourth category. or
today it should not have a more important role on the course of the winds of the Atlantic
ocean. We are waiting for a classic flat scene with a controlled leak
the group that the leading peloton is led by the Sprint teams at the right time
to catch. After the experience of the conclusion of yesterday, they will have to be back

Fernando Gaviria is the biggest favorite for stage laurel. we are going
he knows how he can make the success of yesterday or rush
someone else will take a strong sprint competition. Peter Sagan will be

Coast of Pouzauges Premium Mountain: Length 1 km; the average

Sprint Bonus (168.5 km)

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