HATE HAINE You would not have expected the Slovaks!


The Pohoda Festival, which is currently taking place at Trencin Airport, has included many more serious subjects in addition to numerous musical hosts. Peter Bárdy, the head of reporters Jan Petrovic, discussed with Zlatica Kušnírová and Jozef Kuciak about a murder that rocked the whole of Slovakia and caused a wave of protests.

Despite the fact that it is possible to wait for the connection of a company based on such a tragic event, Peter Bárdy, editor of Aktuality.sk, says exactly the opposite. According to him, Slovakia is even more divided than before

"I would have preferred it if the time had come back before February 21 to be all together.But, unfortunately, it's the fight involuntary in which we were dragged, " said the broken mother of murdered Matrina, Zlatica Kušnírová. She is determined to fight despite the fact that everyone does not like her. She hated the hateful correspondence that she received from Slovaks for nearly 5 months. "It was embarrassing, but I said that there had to be such people in Slovakia", reacted by Zlatica Kušnírová.

"The leaves also came to us" ] "Some were written to pray and forgive, but I must first know by whom to forgive," stated

L & # 39, current President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, also spoke to the parent of the murdered couple, "None of us who died child can imagine the tragedy of the parents", said and then called on the Slovaks not to let this happen ""

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