
The Pohoda Festival started at Trencin Airport. It includes more than 150 artists from 30 countries. What did you bring?

The Pohoda multi-genre festival has its first day at the airport
in Trenčín, at the 22nd edition on Thursday evening (5.7.), they also presented two
known Slovak groups Billy Barman and Polemic. Both with great success when
Thousands of fans have met their performances before the podium. global
awaits visitors over 300 music, dance or theater
various performance and performance. Extremely strong will be represented
visual arts

Group Billy Barman is missing of concerts and no fans
I can not complain. In March and April, she played a series of eight acoustic
concerts she's played with a band of SĽUK singers.
Starting in June, band members participated in a series of four concerts
by the Para group under the name of "Nice places". In July, they started a concert in Pohode.
For the group, it was special to introduce a new way of life
The live album, which is the record of his tour, made a live recording
April 11 in the old market of Bratislava. Bring him to Trencin
personally arrived Legal Director SÚUK Juraj Hamar, introduced him to life
fixing five singers. There were several tracks on the stage
from this album, among them Vrkoče, Hrají, 100 kolies, Pijacke, Traja,
Downstream graveyard, sturdy water, Luke is a Gone, Gypsy, his freedom or
Young lost the war. For the three Night Riders studio albums (2010), Blue
language (2013) and the breathtaking paintings (2016) brought the first "lajfka."

"It was amazing, we think it was the most
people down in Pohode. It's incredible that he can still come
more and more people, it was great. We baptized our new album, we have on
we have three studio plates and this is our first live recording
of the Bratislava concert. In June we played with Para after the Slovaks
castles, we had two ropes together and it was a return to cooperation after
four years. We will play the concert at the Grape Festival, "

," group leaders Juraj Podmanický and Jozef Vrábel said. The group in the near
the season will slow down and play less because Juraj Podmanický waits

The polemic group was playing on the first Pohoda and it was introduced in the year
2017 as part of the Pohoda 97 project. Difficult to find among national interpreters
best festival group. In the Scandal hits, She's So, Dancing, Come on
with us, I knew it, Few Alive or Complicated fans
bark, dance and sneak. Polemic approaching the celebration
30s on the stage, invited to guest in Trenčín, he was German
thrombone and producer Dr. Ring Ding, one of the veterans of German reggae,
the creator of Doctor's Darling. He worked with the group on Nenudin
in 2005.

In the case of Polemic, it was the eleventh performance on Pohode. "We were one
of the few bands that played in the very first year of the festival.
These memories are there, we are deeply linked to this festival. Every year
we play here, there is a special liquid. When people ask us where
are the best festivals in terms of the audience, so the poor among them
dominates clearly. We are delighted that our songs are working,
people know them, they sing the lyrics, it's a wonderful feeling, it's
edifying. But we know that the next day we start again that it is
a great experience, but life goes on, "said one of the leaders of the group
Peter Petko Opet

At the age of thirty-five, he adds: "They were turbulent.
We had a lot of things when we started, we played for beer and for a couple, instead
the stage was just the area of ​​the wooden pallets, the technique did not work, we walked
for concerts in two old favorites. Now we have the comfort of ourselves
we do not understand when we started we'll be thirty years old and we'll do it
a group that regularly plays more than a hundred concerts a year, once on the podium
on Pohode and there 15,000 people glitter. We did not even think about it, it's a good deal
we appreciate that this has happened and we appreciate enormously
it works. "

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picture: Illustrative

source: TASR

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