Taste fresh vegetables and fruit grown in Slovakia


Thanks to Slovak farmers, we can find fresh vegetables and fresh fruit on the counter. Kaufland bought them a priority

6. July 1968 at 0:00

  • At the counter of Kauflandu you can find fruits and vegetables from 200 Slovak suppliers
  • There are 3845 ha of fields, 92 ha of greenhouses and foliage trees
  • By For example,
  • In 2017, Kaufland offered its customers more than 50 million kilograms of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • If this figure was "small", it was nearly 25 million kg of vegetables, more than 20 million kg of potatoes (19659009)

    GreenCoop and the happy tomatoes of Rye Island

    "Together, we grow more than 20 kinds of tomatoes. from Merry Tomatoes is in Kaufland, where you can find species of small cherry tomatoes, yellow or pink cocktail tomatoes to special species with a high content of natural antioxidants.We are constantly looking for new varieties that we can surprise the customer »E Zsolt Bindics, President of GreenCoop. Here are some proofs that their work is really hard to hide

    • Work for more than 350 people
    • The harvest is harvested daily, from March to December
    • To achieve the highest quality and the freshest tomatoes is packed and delivered daily
    • The total area of ​​greenhouses is 20 hectares and 8 000 tonnes of tomatoes are grown each year
    • For 10 years, they managed to produce more than 50 million tomatoes, or at least 10 kilos . per capita
    • There are currently 700,000 plants in greenhouses, which will yield up to 70 tonnes of tomatoes per day
    • GlobalGap Quality Certificate, IFS Food Standard and Prestigious Green Company Award
    • Non-spraying spraying and ecological technologies such as geothermal wells, energy curtains, drip irrigation, biological protection recycling, etc.

    Quality & Freshness and taste are very important to us. Cucumbers are harvested when they reach the right weight. For Kaufland, we also grow mini-cucumbers, a snack of cucumbers packed in cups after 250 g. We want to continue to grow cucumbers, always improving and following new technologies, "says Katarina Asztalosova, from the Zelstar family business.

    • The work for 14 people, including family members, during the season also works on a brigade
    • The family has been devoted to market gardening since 1991.
    • The cucumber season starts here in February and
    • Cucumbers are grown on an area of ​​4 hectares and produce about 4 million cucumbers a year
    • To produce very good cucumbers in the countertops, they change their harvests up to 4 times. ] The crop begins with sowing if the seedlings are ready for planting and 3 weeks after planting, the seedlings are already grazing
    • No crop spray, only biological protection, is used. Excessive drainage water is used for lawns

    You will find a wide selection of top quality domestic crops from our fields, warehouses and greenhouses on Kaufland. Also try the fruits of their hard work.

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