Bieber: after a monthly commitment relationship


The famous singer knelt on his knee on Saturday night and asked his girlfriend the most important question. She answered yes!

Two eyewitnesses confirmed for that Justin Bieber (24) had decided to take a major step in a luxury resort in the Bahamas. Her current friend and model Hailey Baldwin (age 21) took the evening to ask her a major question after a month of restitution.

The guard asked everyone in the restaurant to turn off the phones and not to touch them. Justin, before all eyes, has taken a big step in his life.

The singer and his family have not yet officially spoken about the situation. His father Jeremy Bieber, however, published an image on the son's social network, in which he wrote: " I'm waiting for a new chapter!"

Justin and Hailey are about two months old, but they have been together before.

Selena Gomez (1965). Miranda Kerr (19459005) (19459004) (19459004) and the actress and singer Selenou Gomez (25)

2015 – 2016

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