They scare you for money !: Fraudulent employment agencies enrich at the expense of the poorest


  • today 06:30

BRATISLAVA – Desperate and miserable people at the edge of misery seize every opportunity for a better life, trust anyone who promises them a good income. The subject was dedicated to Peter Galan in the weekly building PLUS 7 DAYS


Work excused abroad: even after paying the registration fees and the amounts inadvertently for some support services, you do not expect it. Source: PLUS 7 DAYS / Archive

They are able to give the manipulators, who have not even seen, the last savings to help them out of misery. The worse the economic situation of families, the more they do it. They are made like cockroaches, and if they are revealed to them, they fall into their faces. Despite the whistle, criminal warnings or inspections, they are happy to do business. By phone, internet, but also live, in offices with the right addresses.

No shame

A company that "steals" foreign advertising and charges irreproachable fees for certain assistance services associated with working abroad, a few days ago, Martin Daransky, representative of the Hogo company in the Austrian business district of Hogo, told us about personal leasing. According to him, the Agency, acting on the Internet under the names and, which is under the sole responsibility of Milan Mihok, without a contract with them, will take their job offers, place them on their site and will almost choose bidders over two hundred euros. (19659010) Heiksellers: The Slovak artist reveals an extreme hatred to the exhibition, as the nation supposed to be able

Then they ask compensation to the Austrians who did not even know these financial transactions. "Our company has been operating in the market for eleven years and has never required any fees from job seekers and we do not cooperate with any employment agency," Daransky says. (This information has been independently confirmed by sources in Austria and Slovakia, and Hogo is actively cooperating with Slovak EURES, and many of their clients have reported that they have not received payment for their services.) That's why they were shocked two women from central Slovakia with the fact that they would be employed

"Their resumes really came to us, but they did not meet one of the basic conditions, so we did not We can not accept them, but as part of our personal leasing, our staff is moving out and we can not afford housing in the workplace, so they have to have their own transportation, but no one has informed them. The Slovak entrepreneur only charged them thirty euros for registration, two for the assistance and sent them to us. "The two women were left without work, even without money. Austrians were looking for what had happened. They contacted the Slovak Center for Social Affairs and Family (ÚPSVaR) and drew attention to the fraud. Money, however, has lost for crazy women. "After several attempts, I managed to get in touch with Mr. Mihok and asked him not to negotiate with our job offers," continues Martin Daransky. "But the answer was to insult me ​​and pretend that he could do what he wanted.He did not even worry about problems, just the world." They did not have any more than to alert people via the Internet not to respond to agency offers

You can read the article on the website PLUS 7 WEATHER WEATHER [19659014] More 7 days


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