Children can spend their holidays with crafts, the leurUV offers them daily camps


The Banskobystrický ÚĽUV Crafts School, which organizes creative workshops and workshops for children and adults all year round, runs for 13 years

Banská Bystrica on 9 July (TASR) – The summer holidays can be children from 8 to 15 years under Urpín to spend with the craft. Day camps during the summer for this Monday, from 8:00 to 15:30, organizes the Artisan School of Popular Art Production Center (ÚĽUV) in Banská Bystrica. According to Katarína Chruščová, director of the centreUV regional center, every year, it is not a great interest

As for the TASR, the daily holiday courses offer children carpet weaving carpentry workshop that they can, for example, workshops or paintings on glass or in the making of scarves. When classes are over, a product exhibit is always organized and schoolchildren are happy to share with their parents and acquaintances

"How many times do people open their eyes for what they can do?" Children have the opportunity to spend time

The Banskobystrický ÚĽUV craft school, which organizes creative workshops and craft courses for children and adults all over the world. year, works for 13 years

centreUV Regional Handicraft Center in Banská Bystrica is a point of contact for producers and people interested in folk art and traditional craftsmanship in the region of Central Slovakia. At the same time, the Center offers advice to producers, conferences, a professional library and also the sale of original folk objects under their brand

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