Samsung opened the world's largest smartphone factory based in India


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The Korean Samsung is among the top three largest smartphone manufacturers in the world, born requiring adequate production capacities. For example, a new factory that Samsung has opened in a turbulent and ever-growing India.

Fabrika is the largest manufacturer of mobile smartphones in the world. The huge "smartphone machine" after enlargement occupies 141 thousand square meters and if you were looking for it, you would find it at Noida

The Indian location does not have any. is not accidental. Samsung holds a significant share of the Indian smart phone market. In the Indian market, Samsung and Xiaomi are better served

Fabrika was officially inaugurated today, symbolically inaugurated by Indian Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (Sunil Ghosh / Hindustan Times)

The demand for smartphones will increase in the future to cover the new plant (19459010) of 120 million units produced annually

However, Samsung will receive gradually, to the nearest three years, which will also require the progressive recruitment of about 5,000 employees . Of course, if the market conditions allow it.

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