More than 3,000 students are educated at the Children's University during their holidays


He is in the sign of the game

PREŠOV. Exactly 313 small students will use the time of the summer holidays to study

Prešovská univerzita preštudovala na pôde Prešovskej univerzity počas druhej júlovej piatky.

Again, it's an opportunity to vacation and relax, in the form of a non-traditional education.

Homo Ludens (Latter-Run Man) 19659003] "More than 300 children aged 7 to 15 years, with speakers – academics and students, as well as visiting scientists from the field of science and culture, will look for answers to questions such as, for example, do you know what "homo ludens" means, why not only children, but also adults, like to play, do you want to know what role play plays in scientific discoveries? , in the manufacture of works of art, but also in ordinary life? Would you like to experience the game of scientists, artists, athletes, philosophers? "Andrea Mitrova, one of the Principal PDU coordinators of the Faculty of Education PU, addressed

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For elementary school students

this time too, they study at two levels: Bachelors (students of 1st and 4th year) and the mag ister (5th or 9th grade elementary school students or the corresponding 8 year old classes)

"Our workplace prepares for education We believe that we have prepared an interesting program for our students to learn a lot of new information, make new friendships, and at least enjoy the lives of students, "said Lenka Pasternáková, head of the pedagogy department of the Faculty of Humanities. COULD.

Magisterchezi will be able to try creative writing, creative workshops, they will learn more about recycling, the emergence of space, prejudices and stereotypes, canisterapia, they will also play playful zoology and many others

Bachelors will learn to chew again, play treasure, try a mathematical quest.

Ends with Titles

The program also includes topics such as game physiotherapy, spiritual luck, mysterious characters, playful animation, chess minima, l & # 39; universe in the kok, healthy playfulness, wonderland, bájkovo and others

"The specificity of the PDU curriculum is that lectures are always followed by workshops – creative workshops The courses given by small graduate students together, workshops organized in study groups organized by students from different faculties PU ", added Mitrova

Students study daily from 8:00 to 16:00

" At the end of their studies and on a solemn promotion with the participation of parents, they will receive a diploma with the title of singles respectively magisterček.The promotion will be accompanied by the opening of works of art. art for children created during the entire university week, "said Anna Polacková, spokeswoman of the University of Prešov.

The article was published in MY Prešovské noviny hebdo 26/2018. On sale from Tuesday 10 to Monday 16 July

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